Sunday, July 10, 2016

If it is Sunday, it must be North Dakota

Arrived safely at Spirit Nation!  Were warmly welcomed by staff and other volunteers form Ohio and Texas!  Looks like a great crew!  Tomorrow we will begin work for folks from the Dakota and Lakota tribes, members of the Sioux nation.  Very exciting!  Kids are great and we are eating far too many of our zillions of snacks!!!  Loving every moment and every person!               Delane

Susan- As I think on the past day, I have come to realize that this morning feels like three days ago. My car ride consisted of playing ghost, sleeping, and reading. When we reached the falls we all scattered for some quiet time. The spot I chose was on the rocks, down beside the water. It was a nice time to listen to the rushing water and escape through my view of ducks and five ducklings. They were so adorable, even when they would slurp the gross foamy water. The rest of our time here was a pleasant one, especially when the wind would blow and we would get a whiff of rotting plants! Alex, Jillian, and I were talking about random things while we approached our final destination, getting giddy from being so close and hyper from all of the chex mix and candy. Alex found that Jillian hadn't seen the Star Wars movies and stated that she shall not be recognized as a citizen. Jillian and I found it so hilarious! Oh, and apparently you aren't suppose to ring the bell outside of the dining area at Spirit Lake....but I didn't do that. (: 

The road trip has drawn to a close. We didn't die. The weather so far looks to be as I had hoped, cold and windy. Hopefully we can avoid dehydration, sunstroke, and other means of DEATH while we are here. Tonight I was able to scout out our worksite. Aside from a multitude of canines, it looks to be a fairly quiet spot, and the roof itself shouldn't be a labor of Hercules to refurbish, according to Howard. Aside from that, I have been told I will no longer be forced to write these accursed "blurbs". Huzzah! The pen is mightier than the crossbow I may or may not have been devising!         Alex

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